Wurlitzer 165 Midi Files

Note: Wm165 Midi music media is formatted for and compatible with 75 note scale Stinson 165 band organs. Neither the Stinson Band Organ Company, nor Stinson distributors, shall be responsibility for damage or dissatisfaction if there is the attempt to use Wm165 music media for other than its advertised and intended purpose. Wurlitzer Midi Files for Band Organs. We sell Wurlitzer Midi Files for style 125, 150 & 165 organs. Looking for new music well you came to the right place.

First Edition June, 1969

Wurlitzer 125 MIDI files posted to FILES section of W-105 Group Wallace Venable #26. Several years ago Terry Smythe, of Winnipeg, Canada ran a website with as the Archive of Player Piano Music Rolls in Midi Format There were 5300.MIDI files of piano rolls released before 1928 on the site. Wurlitzer 165 Tracker Bar; Wurlitzer Band Organ 165 Tracker Bar. Original Author: Unknown Converted to HTML by David Back January 2013. PLAYER SYSTEM: medium: Wurlitzer Style 165 duplex punched paper roll transport: paper is pulled by take-up spool, at constant revolutions per minute. Initial paper speed: typical 8.3 feet per minute, adjustable.

Revised most recently June 20, 2020
(click here for details)


FARNY R. WURLITZER (1883-1972)







To hear 165 band organ tunes, played on real Wurlitzer Style 165 band organs, in MP3 or RealAudio format, go to the Sound Files sectionof this catalog.

If you are searching for a particular bit of Wurlitzer history or musical information and do not find it on this website, please email us with your question. It would be a pleasure to try to answer it.
A catalog of this size and complexity is bound to contain errors. I want to thank Andrew 'Eagle-Eye' Lardieri, a young enthusiast in Voorhees, New Jersey, for his amazing help in ferreting out and notifying me of errors, chiefly in the TUNE INDEX. We are getting closer to perfection, but not there yet and your corrections are still welcome.



Rolls 6501 to 6600 (including roll 6500, not by Wurlitzer)
Rolls 6601 to 6671
Rolls 6672 to 6690 (6-tune rolls)


A. Manufactured by Allan Herschell Company (Roll 6691)
B. Manufactured by T.R.T. Manufacturing Company (New rolls 6692 to 6724)
C. Manufactured by T.R.T. Manufacturing Company (Reissued Wurlitzer tunes, reusing old Wurlitzer roll nos. 6668 to 6676)
D. Manufactured by C.W. Parker, Leavenworth, Kan. (Bacigalupi Special Roll)
E. Manufactured by Michael L. Kitner (Roll Eur-165-1)
F. Manufactured by Holton Roll Co. (Unnumbered roll)
G. Manufactured by Play-Rite Music Rolls, Inc.(Play-Rite rolls) 1. Play-Rite composites of six-tune rolls issued by Wurlitzer or T.R.T. (Rolls 6672-6674 to 6723-6724)
2. Miscellaneous Play-Rite composites (Rolls 6500B, 6578-6606, 6720, and operatic composites)
3. Play-Rite program rolls (Rolls 6800 to 6819)
4. Rolls with new music by contemporary arrangers (Rolls XXX, MGR#1, and numbered rolls 6820 and upwards)


(B.A.B. Historical Background)
A. Rolls with letters assigned by Play-Rite
B. Adaptations of original B.A.B. rolls 001 to 044
C. Adaptations of Wurdeman custom-made B.A.B. composites
A. A note on Wurlitzer band organs and their rolls, including a table of all Style 165 band organs made by Wurlitzer
B. Wurlitzer band organ roll numbering
C. Scale specifications for the style 165 roll
D. Organs using the style 165 roll
E. Observations on roll makers and arrangers
F. Wurlitzer roll perforators
G. Sixty-six-key B.A.B. rolls 001 to 044

TUNE INDEX (one searchable file, A to Z)

NEW FAÇADE FOR SEABREEZE PARK BAND ORGAN, installed September 6, 2013.

SOUND FILES, including all of the tunes not yet identified.


When I began to compile a complete list of Wurlitzer Style 165 Military Band Organ rolls two years ago, I had no idea that I was replowing thoroughly plowed ground. Fortunately Rosemary Deasy, the present owner of the Griffith Park Merry-Go-Round, informed me that Gary Watkins, of Sun Valley, CA, had been researching 165 rolls since 1969 and had produced a catalog, which was then in its 2nd edition, 2nd revision.

Gary graciously sent me a copy of his catalog and shared with me many supplemental observations and theories. I, in turn, was able to supply information about five rolls not known to him. It was gratifying to both of us to find that in several important respects we had independently come to similar conclusions. We had both, for example, postulated a hiatus of roll numbers between rolls 6578 and 6606.

Many people had collaborated in my two year information gathering process, and I had promised them copies of the catalog that I expected to produce. But that catalog is not to be. Therefore, Gary has generously consented to my making copies of his splendid catalog, adding the information that I have gleaned, and providing the result to interested persons. He also gave me a list of corrections he had intended to make in his next revision; those have been incorporated here.

Four previously unknown rolls (6639, 6651, 6661, and a second as-yet-unidentified march/waltz roll) have been added to the catalog, roll 6670 has been removed from the 'no known copies' category, and the index has been revised to include new tune titles--these are the major changes made in this revision. There are numerous lesser changes and additions on other pages. In every case I assume the blame for any errors; all credit for the existence of this catalog as you have it in your hands is due to Gary Watkins.

Matthew Caulfield
Library of Congress
Washington, D.C.
November 1986



This catalog attempts to list all known style 165 band organ rolls, including rolls known only from catalogs or roll labels. The first section lists the rolls manufactured by the Rudolph Wurlitzer Company. Other sections list rolls manufactured by its successors. Listed last are B.A.B. 66-key rolls which have been converted to the Wurlitzer 165 scale, and rolls made in recent years by independent arrangers doing custom work. Except as noted in its listing, every roll has been recut in enough multiple copies to ensure its survival for years to come.

Seabreeze Amusement Park, Rochester, N.Y., has the most complete collection of Wurlitzer and T.R.T. Style 165 rolls in existence. For details, see the last section of this Introduction. In the Spring of 2009 three avid 165 roll fans -- myself, Glenn Thomas of Belle Mead, N.J, and James H. Drew III of Augusta, Ga. -- began a project, with the assistance of Rich Olsen and of Frank and Amanda Himpsl (Valley Forge Music Rolls), to replace all of the known missing tunes in our copies of Wurlitzer 165 rolls. For questions about roll availability, please email us.

How many Wurlitzer 165 rolls still exist? There are 106 surviving rolls of those made by Wurlitzer during its ten-tune era (1914-1933). All have been recut. Every 6-tune roll made from 1934 to the end of T.R.T.'s production in 1967 exists and has been recut as a 12-tune composite with another 6-tune roll to eliminate its repetitiousness. That amounts to twenty 6-tune rolls from Wurlitzer and thirty-three from T.R.T. One of the thirty-three, the T.R.T. Christmas roll, 6712, was not composited but recut in its original form because of its nature.

Each roll listing shows, to the extent known, the title of each tune on the roll, the stage revue or motion picture featuring the tune, its composer, the date of first publication, and the type of composition (fox trot, waltz, one step, etc.). The date the roll was originally issued is also shown, or an estimated issue date is suggested for rolls of unknown date, when it has been possible to make such an estimate. Finally, notes have been added calling attention to significant errors found on printed roll labels and giving other information judged to be of interest to readers of this catalog.

The original plan was to transcribe listings exactly as they appear on the roll labels. However, the labels on some Wurlitzer rolls are lost, having succumbed to hard use as have many roll boxes and even the beginnings of some rolls themselves. The labels for rolls manufactured by the T.R.T. Manufacturing Company name the publisher of the sheet music for a tune (the influence of ASCAP and the royalty-collection agencies) but not the composer, and often give tune titles inaccurately.

In order to correct label errors, secure missing information, and determine the approximate issue date of the rolls, all tunes were checked against the records of the U.S. Copyright Office in the Library of Congress, Washington D.C. This procedure revealed that some of the information on Wurlitzer labels was also in error.

Due to these factors, the primary source of all the listings in this catalog is the record in the Copyright Office. Secondary sources, in the order used, include the band organ roll labels themselves, catalogs published by Wurlitzer, music reference books , sheet music, phonograph records, and other music rolls.

Tune titles

Titles are given as registered by the composer or publisher with the Copyright Office. When multiple registrations show variations in the title, the title shown on the earliest registration of the tune as a published composition is the one used in this catalog. It is normal to find multiple registrations for the more popular tunes. The earliest registration is usually for the tune as an unpublished work, followed not much later by a registration of the tune as a published work. There may follow, over any number of years, registrations for arrangements of the tune for various instruments or for various purposes.

When no date is shown for a tune in this catalog, no registration for the tune could be found in the Copyright Office. The tune may have been copyrighted abroad, or it may not have been copyrighted anywhere, or it may have been copyrighted prior to the time reliable records were kept by the Copyright Office (roughly prior to 1898), or the title/composer/publisher information known may be insufficient to locate one registration among the million tune registrations in the Copyright Office. For example, it took many years and a bit of luck to find the registration for the tune named on roll 6702 as 'Brook's Triumphal March.' The roll was produced in 1952. But the tune, when found, turned out to be almost a half century older, with the correct title being 'Brooke's Triumphal.' Assuming a search in the correct chronological file in the Copyright Office (the file containing registrations for 1898-1937), 'Brooke's' still is found nearly a hundred cards distant from 'Brook's.'

Stage revues and motion picture data

The stage revues and motion pictures shown as featuring a tune are usually the original production or the production contemporaneous with roll issuance. The information has been taken from the copyright record or from the following sources:

'Blue Book of Broadway Musicals' by Jack Burton, Century House, 1952

'Blue Book of Hollywood Musicals' by Jack Burton, Century House, 1953

'Blue Book of Tin Pan Alley' by Jack Burton, Century House, 1951

'American Popular Songs: From the Revolutionary War to the Present' by David Ewen, Random House, 1966.

Composer credits

Our intent is to show only the composer of the music for each tune, not the author of the lyrics. However some copyright records say 'words and music by' A & B, leaving it unclear which is the composer. The listings in this catalog show the composer credits as recorded in the Copyright Office, even when in conflict with the credits on the roll label.

In some cases where a tune's composer is not given in the roll data, we find dozens of compositions with the same title registered in the Copyright Office by different composers (e.g. for 'Dream' there are 168 registrations). In most cases it has been possible to identify the correct composer. But when that has not been possible--as for example in the case of a lost roll where it is not possible to audition the tune--two or more of the most likely identifications are suggested.

Individual tune dates

As already stated, the Copyright Office records are the primary source for the dates given in this catalog, and where multiple dates for multiple registrations are found, the date recorded here is the date found for the first published version of a tune. That date best serves the original purpose for researching tune dates: to estimate the release dates of the rolls. It was initially presumed that style 165 rolls were released when the tunes on the rolls were at the height of their popularity, and that the date the tunes were first published would be a good indication of that peak. That premise has been borne out by experience in all but a few cases, notably certain rolls numbered from 6501 to 6537, which are discussed below.

When only a registration for an unpublished version of a tune could be found in the Copyright Office, the date of that registration has been used. This situation seldom occurred, because the music usually chosen for inclusion on style 165 music rolls was popular--and therefore published--music that would have been diligently copyrighted. It is unlikely that sheet music for an unpublished composition would find its way into Wurlitzer's hands to be selected for inclusion on a roll.

The Wurlitzer factory in North Tonawanda, N.Y., may well have had standing arrangements with certain music publishers to receive their published sheet music. The Vandersloot Music Publishing Company, located in Williamsport, Pa., 150 miles south of the Wurlitzer factory, seems to have published a large share of the rather undistinguished tunes found on early Wurlitzer band organ rolls. Was that perhaps due to a mutually beneficial working arrangement between the two companies?

In the case of very old American compositions, classical tunes, and foreign compositions--categories for which there are no useful copyright records--the year of composition or date of first performance found in other reference is shown.

Type of composition

The type designation (waltz, fox trot, one step, etc.) is derived almost exclusively from the roll label. The Copyright Office only rarely indicates the type of composition on the file card (with the exception of marches). Copyright laws do require the deposit of two copies of the sheet music in the Library of Congress as a condition of registration, and these copies would reveal the type of composition. However, the sheet music copies were not normally examined in preparing this catalog due to the tremendous amount of time that would be required and due to the fact that in the process of arrangement for the band organ, a fox trot could become a waltz or vice versa. A case in point is the waltz arrangement of 'Ciribiribin' on roll 6529 and the fox trot arrangement on roll 6682.

Wurlitzer roll numbering and dating

Wurlitzer's earliest style 165 rolls, rolls number from 6501 to 6537, present a rather confusing and complex picture. For them, see the next section, titled 'Rolls 6501-6537: What was Wurlitzer up to?'

Rolls numbered from 6538 upwards to the end of roll production (6724), covering the period 1918 to 1967, present a clear picture of rolls issued in chronological sequence at regular intervals (TRT rolls 6668 to 6676 must be excluded from the picture; they are mere duplicates, both in numbering and in contents, of earlier Wurlitzer rolls). The intervals varied over the life of the roll business, depending on the market and industry economics, but in any given year band organ owners were assured of having a predictable number of new rolls available for purchase.

Earlier editions of this catalog could only estimate the issue dates for most of these rolls, based on dating the individual tunes on the rolls, as explained above. Late six-tune rolls were the only ones that could be dated precisely, because their labels carry a date code in the lower left corner. The code '71840,' for example, indicates a roll issued July 18, 1940, while '2242' indicates a February 2, 1942, release date.

In 1988 Richard J. Howe, of Houston, Tex., generously made available to us copies of all the original Wurlitzer monthly roll bulletins in his collection which listed one or more band organ rolls. The bulletins significant for the study of style 165 rolls cover the period from November 1917 to June 1923, with only a one-month lacuna (January 1921). The period from October 1923 to August 1925 is more imperfectly covered, lacking 7 issues (Jan. 1924, Apr. 1924, Jan. 1925, Mar. 1925, May-July 1925). Altogether a remarkable collection! We have subsequently received a copy of the May 1925 bulletin from Harvey Roehl.

Consequently, exact issue dates can be now shown for many rolls, the contents of many lost rolls can be given, and the pattern of parallel roll numbering for rolls 6501 to 6537 can be seen and perhaps understood.

For some rolls to which an exact date of issue still cannot be assigned, an estimated issue date is shown, derived from the dates of the tunes on the roll and from the issue dates of the rolls before and after it. Only a range of four months has been used: 'Early,' 'Mid-,' or 'Late' with respect to a given year. The period selected was additionally verified by noting issue dates for piano rolls and recording dates for phonograph records.

The rolls numbered from 6501 to 6537 are in many regards not typical of the other style 165 rolls issued by Wurlitzer. The foremost point of difference is that for many of them there exist two different rolls with the same number. Although recuts of these rolls have been assigned letters A and B to distinguish them when both versions of a number have been recut, Wurlitzer did not do this, suggesting that the two versions were never stocked and sold at the same time. Examination of these roll pairs reveals that in each case one of the rolls contains tunes popular when the roll was issued--and invariably this roll is the earlier of the two, when it is possible to date each of the pair. The other roll contains tunes of more lasting popularity, 'evergreens' so to speak--and all of those that can be assigned dates were issued after mid-1921, whereas all the popular-tune rolls of the pairs were issued between 1914 and 1918.

The phenomenon of twin rolls does not extend beyond roll 6537; that is a known fact. It is more difficult to say whether the phenomenon began with roll 6505, the earliest roll we know of that contains popular tunes of the year, or whether there might have been such rolls numbered from 6501 to 6504. Perhaps someday Wurlitzer monthly roll bulletins for 1914 and 1915 will surface to answer these mysteries.

Examination of the tune titles on the evergreen rolls will show that many of the tunes on these rolls have also appeared on rolls of the popular-tune type. In fact a few of the rolls are duplicates, or near duplicates, of rolls issued earlier, though perhaps numbered higher in the 6500's. Surviving roll masters in the Herschell Carrousel Factory Museum bear proof of the reuse and renumbering of tunes: old stamped indicia of roll number and tune position have been altered by cutting away the top layer of cardboard where numerals needed to be changed and over-stamping with the new, correct digits.

All evidence points to the conclusion that Wurlitzer originally viewed the 165 roll market in the same fashion as record manufacturers view their market today: buyers want the hit tunes of the moment, and rapid turnover is good for everybody. Indeed, Wurlitzer advertising carried two watchwords month after month: 'Buy new rolls to keep ahead of the competition,' and 'Positively no rolls exchanged.' But by 1921 the idea must have developed of offering, in addition to the popular-tune rolls which would be sold for a short time only, a class of rolls containing tunes of lasting popularity, which would be kept permanently in stock, the class of rolls which we have come to call 'evergreens.' Unfortunately for historians of the roll business, a decision seems to have been made to assign numbers to these rolls that had once been used for earlier rolls no longer stocked. The only benefit of this decision that we can see is that it allowed the company to group its evergreen rolls together in the early 6500's and, by starting afresh in 1921 with the 6600 numbering, to keep its ongoing popular-tune series separate from it.

If this theory is correct, it should follow that owners who purchased their 165 band organs in the mid-1920's or later should not have been able to purchase any of the popular-tune 6500 rolls, but should have been able to purchase evergreen 6500 rolls. There is evidence that this was, in fact, the case. The free rolls that came with the Seabreeze 165 in 1931 and the Griffith Park 165 in 1929 were evergreens.

The rolls we know as 6501, 6502, and 6503 are clearly evergreen rolls. They have the character of the evergreen series, and do appear in a comprehensive catalog listing all the evergreens which was printed by Wurlitzer. Ross R. Davis had a copy of that catalog, a paper-bound, red-cover catalog, which has since disappeared. Fortunately those data were copied from that catalog by Gary Watkins before it disappeared, because the evergreens went unlisted in Wurlitzer's Monthly Roll Bulletins until roll 6528 (March 1921). Moreover rolls 6501, 6502, and 6503 are commonly found in roll collections, including those of owners of organs purchased in the 1920's.

One question that we cannot answer from what we now know is, With what number did Wurlitzer begin its 165 roll series in 1914? It is simplest to assume Wurlitzer began with roll 6501. But it may have begun with roll 6505 (1914), the earliest surviving roll. The roll we know as 6500 is certainly not the earliest 165 roll issued. It includes several 1919 tunes, and we now believe it is not even a Wurlitzer roll, as our notes to its catalog entry indicate. The existing rolls 6501, 6502, and 6503 are evergreens, not original 1914-1915 rolls. This is provien by three characteristics: their content, their prevalence in collections today, and the fact that popular-tune roll 6505 (1914-early 1915) contains two marches found on rolls 6501 and 6502, something Wurlitzer would not have done had the three rolls been issued so soon after each other.

It is odd that while the other thirty-six evergreens have all been identified and their contents known, roll 6504 is still a mystery. We have never found any information about it. But it is difficult to believe that Wurlitzer skipped that number in producing its evergreen rolls./P>

The reason we suggest that Wurlitzer might have begun numbering its first style 165 rolls with roll 6505, not 6501, is that there are a few cases we know of where the company began a roll series with the fifth number in the series. The numbering of the style 125 long-roll-tracker-frame roll series, for example, seems to have begun with roll number 3005, while the 150 long-roll series seems to have begun with roll number 13005. We speculate that the first four numbers might have been reserved for rolls not advertised but given free with each new organ purchased. In this connection it is interesting to note that, when Wurlitzer jumped from the 6500 series to the 6600 series in issuing 165 rolls, it seems to have begun not with roll 6600 or 6601, but with roll number 6605.

B.A.B. roll numbering and dating

The B.A.B. Organ Company, Brooklyn, N.Y., issued just forty-four 66-key band organ rolls, the only size B.A.B. roll which has been converted to the Wurlitzer 165 scale and therefore the only B.A.B. roll series of interest to this catalog. Its first 66-key roll, 001, was probably issued in 1928. Its last roll, 044, was issued in 1957. All B.A.B. rolls numbered higher were manufactured on a custom basis, using original B.A.B. masters, by Oswald Wurdeman and later by his son Thomas Wurdeman, of Minneapolis. The Wurdemans manufactured custom B.A.B. rolls of various sizes besides the 66-key size that interests us here, but all were numbered serially beginning with roll 300 and reaching almost to roll 600. Only B.A.B. rolls up to 044 can be dated from their contents; the Wurdeman composites cannot be dated to the year of their creation because any one roll could contain any combination of tunes from across the years. Moreover the unpredictability of tune dates on Wurdeman composites makes it sometimes difficult, in the absence of composer credits, to identify a tune from its title alone.

Roll length

Wurlitzer probably began to issue style 165 rolls in mid-1914. The first 165 band organ was shipped on April 15, 1914. That event is the best evidence for when the first style 165 roll would have been made, lacking roll literature for the period.

The company had been selling its smaller organ rolls (styles 125 and 150) a little previous to marketing the larger style 165 roll. At that point the company standardized their band organ roll production on these three sizes. Previously each band organ model used a roll unique to it, e.g. a style 155 roll for the old 155 (or Monster) band organ and a 160 roll for the 160 (Mammoth) band organ. The 125 roll and the 150 roll were both produced in two different lengths: a short roll containing no more than 4 tunes, and a longer roll generally containing 10 tunes, for the 'long roll trackerframe.' Most tunes were available in either format. By the time the first 165 band organ was manufactured, the company must have been equipping its organs only with the long roll tracker frame, because the 165 roll was not issued in two different formats at any time; the ten-tune roll was standard from the beginning. Although a few shorter rolls were made in the 6500 series, they were exceptions to the norm and did not constitute a separate roll series as was the case for 125 and 150 rolls.

With the switch to the 6600 series, short rolls disappeared entirely from the picture. The normal roll was a ten-tune roll, though generally the tunes were each a little shorter than the typical tune on a 6500 roll. This, together with tempo differences between 6500 and 6600 rolls (see 'Roll tempo' below) resulted in 6600 rolls being a bit smaller than most 6500 rolls. This situation obtained until 1934. In that year Wurlitzer, yielding to economic pressures, cheapened its product significantly by adopting as the standard format a six-tune roll, which it advertised as 'length of a ten-tune roll.' Arrangement costs, which were then--and still are--the significant costs associated with music roll making, were reduced by arranging a verse, a chorus, and a transition for each tune. These short passages were then used to produce one of the six tunes on the roll by repeating them over and over until one-sixth of a standard (ten-tune-length) roll had been filled. The result is that, while some good arrangements were produced after 1933, band organ tunes on 6-tune rolls sound endlessly repetitious - because they are.

Recuts of 6-tune rolls made by Play-Rite avoid this shortcoming by combining two 6-tune rolls into one 12-tune roll, shortening each tune accordingly and alternating the tunes to preserve the proper tempo.

It might be remarked here that the rolls from the ember days of the band organ business seem to be arranged with less delicacy than earlier rolls, producing more sheer volume. That may have been a shrewd tactic to make organs not kept in good repair sound better than they otherwise might; it takes a well-maintained machine to handle a subtle solo passage arranged for a minimum number of pipes.

Roll tempo

A problem inherent in roll music which is not encountered with book music is that, as the music paper builds up on the take-up spool of the tracker frame, the speed with which the paper is drawn across the tracker bar increases, due to the fact that the take-up spool (which pulls the paper) turns at a constant number of revolutions per minute and the fact that the diameter of the take-up spool is steadily increasing. Therefore tunes in the latter part of a roll must have longer perforations for a note of a given duration than would be required for the same note in tunes at the beginning of the roll.

Wurlitzer production perforators solved this problem ingeniously. Automatic tempo compensation was built into the paper-advancing mechanism of Wurlitzer production perforators: as the perforation process moved along from the beginning to the end of the roll, the distance the paper was advanced underneath the punching dies--which cut the countless tiny holes forming each note--was incrementally increased at each punching stroke, the result being that the perforations became longer as the process moved down the roll. Tune masters were marked by staff arrangers and punched to run the perforators without any consideration of where on a roll the tune would fall, meaning that all masters could be marked and perforated with notes of standard length. The same master could be run to make tune 2 on one roll and later to make tune 7 on a different roll. Examination of surviving masters in the Herschell Carrousel Factory Museum proves that this was done many times in creating the second series of rolls 6501-6537 (see below).

Like many blessings, this feature had a drawback--rather minor, indeed, and noticeable only in the playing of the last tunes on some rolls, in some notes on some organs. It derives from the fact that, as the spacing increases between the individual punchings that make up a perforation for a long, sustained note (where bridging is required at intervals in the chain perforation, in order to prevent undue weakening of the paper by what would otherwise be a long slit in the paper), the bridges may get large enough to cover the organ's tracker bar hole sufficiently to cause the pneumatics to very briefly interrupt the sounding of the pipe. Whether this happens or not is a function of bridge size in relation to the bleed capacity of the primary pneumatic associated with the particular pipe. When it does happen, the result is a slight but audible stutter of the pipe, though it may not necessarily be judged unattractive.

The perforators used by Play-Rite, working not from masters but from original band organ rolls, do not have any means of automatic tempo compensation. Therefore, the order of tunes on a roll can be changed only within narrow limits. It is for this reason that, in combining two six-tune rolls into one twelve-tune roll, it was necessary to alternate tune 1 of the first roll with tune 1 of the second roll, followed by tune 2 of the first roll, and so on. By cutting the length of each tune approximately in half, proper overall tempo is maintained while the listenability of the tunes is vastly increased.

Before leaving the subject of tempo, two observations might be made. Many rolls in the 6500 series do not pair up well with rolls in the 6600 series on a dual tracker organ, because those 6500 rolls need to be played at a slower tempo than 6600 rolls. By and large 6600 rolls have less paper on them, need to be played faster, and therefore finish faster than most 6500 rolls. The reasons for these differences are not entirely clear. But 6500 rolls could not have contained much more paper than they do, and still fit on their roll chucks. The slightly shorter tune length of 6600 rolls made them smaller and also may have prompted the company to cut them at a slightly slower tempo (longer note perforations, ergo more paper per tune) than was possible with the 6500 rolls. Most rolls in the 6500 series contained quick-paced two-steps or marches alternating with waltzes, while the 6600 rolls contained a preponderance of slower fox-trots with a few waltzes. This was a reflection of changing musical tastes and dancing styles over the decades, but it may also have influenced Wurlitzer's roll-cutting practices.

The second observation concerns the tempo of rolls 6501, 6502, and 6503 specifically (and perhaps also 6529, which seems, in spite of its numerical distance from the other three, to be very much like them). While the tunes on those rolls are very fine tunes, indeed, and well arranged, the tempo of the rolls as a whole leaves something to be desired. If an organ's tempo control is set so that the first few tunes on one of those rolls play at a satisfactory tempo, then the tunes at the end tend to race noticeably. If the tempo is set so that the final tunes play well, then the first tunes drag too much. Were these rolls perhaps manufactured before Wurlitzer developed automatic tempo compensation? Not a likely explanation, because copies of these rolls purchased after 1925 for the Seabreeze Park band organ exhibit the same problem. Some early Play-Rite recuts of these rolls do too, although the problem seems to have been corrected on later recuts (recuts containing the copyright infringement notice lacking on the earlier recuts).

Composers' pseudonyms

Composer names have been recorded as found in the sources used, e.g. Copyright Office records. However it is known that some of those names are pseudonyms. For example Jaan Kenbrovin, composer of 'I'm Forever Blowing Bubbles' is a group name for three composers well-known under their individual names: James Kendis, James Brockman, and Nat Vincent.

Carl Loveland, the name used on the waltz 'Garden Of Lilies,' hides the march virtuoso Harry J. Lincoln, who also often wrote under the name Abe Losch and that of one or another of the Vandersloots. Similarly, William C. Polla used the pseudonym W. C. Powell as well as his real name. The Hoover who collaborated with Onivas (another pseudonym; see the next paragraph) on several tunes was Joe Hoover, a pseudonym of J. Russel Robinson. On his 'Little Sweetheart Of The Prairie' William J. (Billy) Hill used the pseudonym George Brown. The famous Mary Earl was a man who also composed under his real name, Robert A. King. On the other hand, Vaughn De Leath was a woman, Leonora Von Derleath (married name 'Geer'), who sometimes used Gloria Geer.

Other composers seldom used their real names: Neil Moret's real name was Charles N. Daniels; Horatio Nicholls was legally Lawrence Wright; D. Onivas was an anagram for Domenico Savino; Jule Styne was born Julius K. Stein; Violinsky was Sol Ginsberg; Ross Bagdasarian, composer of 'The Chipmunk Song (Christmas Don't Be Late)' was actually David Seville; Alice Hawthorne was a man, Septimus Winner; Sunny Skylar was Selig Shaftel's pseudonym; Noel Gay was actually Reginald Moxon Armitage.

Some composer identities are so confused they may never be properly sorted out. The confusion over the authorship of the famous march 'Repasz Band' is well documented in William H. Rehrig's The Heritage Encyclopedia Of Band Music. In his article on Harry J. Lincoln Mr. Rehrig tries to sort out the works composed by Lincoln under his own name from those on which he used any of several pseudonyms or the name of another real composer such as Charles C. Sweeley or one of the Vandersloots, the Williamsport family of composer/publishers who published many of Lincoln's works until Lincoln bought the company in 1929 and moved it to Philadelphia. Another Lincoln mystery Mr. Rehrig discusses is his relationship to E. T. Paull's 'Midnight Fire Alarm.'

Henry Fillmore occasionally used the pseudonym Will Huff, not knowing at the time that there was a march composer of the same name in his state. Paul E. Bierley's 1982 book 'The Music Of Henry Fillmore And Will Huff' (ISBN 978-0-918048-02-8) attempts to sort out the confusion.

Not exactly a pseudonym situation is the confusion surrounding the identity of H. B. Blanke, composer of 'Francezka Waltzes' (1902), 'Hearts Courageous' (1902), 'Stingy Moon' (1906) and 'In The Good Old Irish Way' (1907). She is probably the same person as Henriette Blanke-Belcher, composer of 'Honey-Land,' 'Marsovia' (1908), and 'Telling Lies' (1910), where her name appears on the sheet music as Henrietta Blanke Belcher. She is probably also the person who wrote 'Loyalty Waltz' (1918) and 'Butterfly Waltzes' (1922) under the name Henrietta B. Blanke-Melson.

(With acknowledgment to Dick Baker, editor of Stomp Off Records' composer/title indexes; to Mike Grant's Wurlitzer 125 Roll Catalog; and to Wm. H. Rehrig's 3-volume band encyclopedia just cited)

Arrangers and arranging

Too little is known about the identity of the arrangers responsible for the music listed in this catalog. We do know the names of four of what must have been many: Charles Nilson, Sylvia Schultz, John William Tussing, and Ralph Tussing.
Only the masters of Nilson and John W. Tussing clearly identify their work. Nilson arranged early masters, probably working until his death. His funeral was March 12, 1924. Masters arranged by him carry the circled initials CN in blue pencil. John W. Tussing arranged from the late 1930's until the end of Wurlitzer's band organ business. His masters are stamped with his name. Ralph Tussing's work was confined entirely (or mostly) to arranging done after he purchased the band organ business from Wurlitzer/Herschell. Sylvia Schultz fits in chronlogically somewhere between Nilson and J.W. Tussing. She is known from her name scratched into a Wurlitzer arranging table and from the reminiscences of William Haessler, an arranger for the Rand Company (North Tonawanda Musical Instrument Works), who dated her.
Examination of markings on the masters shows that the arrangers marked out verses and choruses in pencil, as few times as necessary, leaving notations for the ladies hired to do the actual hand-punching of the cardboard, showing where they should repeat verses and choruses and how they should be altered if necessary, to produce the finished tune master. The names Ruth and Amelia are found on some early masters as ladies who worked on them in some way.

Where are the originals?

As the catalog entries note, many original rolls have disappeared entirely, and no surviving copies have ever been found to be copied as recuts. A few of those that did survive to be recut (thus assuring perpetuation of their music) were later destroyed by fire. For the rest, catalog entries attempt to show the current ownership of the original from which recuts were made, when the roll is in one of the smaller collections. But where no ownership is shown the chances are good that the original roll is in the grand-daddy of all Wurlitzer 165 roll collections, the one owned today by Don Rand and Ed Openshaw that was built by Ross R. Davis.
This very catalog, in fact, owes its existence to the data generously provided to Gary Watkins many years ago by Don Rand and to Don's interest in all kinds of mechanical music and to Wurlitzer 165 band organ music in particular.

Recutting of original rolls

For several years after Ralph Tussing (T.R.T. Manufacturing Company) stopped arranging and cutting band organ rolls, style 165 rolls were nearly impossible to acquire, especially in the pre-Internet era when communication between band organ owners was difficult. By 1963 the Davis family, Ross R. Davis and his son, John O. Davis, of Los Angeles, had begun to investigate ways of getting copies made of their extensive collection of original Wurlitzer rolls. Out of their efforts grew the activity of Play-Rite Music Rolls, Turlock, Calif., where owner John Malone developed high-speed production perforators capable of copying with fair accuracy original music rolls. Up to that point Wurlitzer rolls were produced on perforators which worked from three-to-one cardboard masters. That is, each tune was hand-punched onto a separate cardboard scroll using a punching scale that was three times as long as the finished music roll. Ten of those cardboard masters were needed to produced ten-tune rolls, and approximately twenty copies were produced per run.

Play-Rite's perforator copied original Wurlitzer rolls on a one-to-one scale, making approximately eighteen copies per run at a faster rate than was possible on the Wurlitzer perforators, partly due to the higher speed at which the Play-Rite machine ran, but mostly due to not having to work with masters--changing them, backing them up, and re-running them for the repeats characteristic of many rolls, particularly the later ones. Ray Siou, of Oakland, Calif., retailed the Wurlitzer rolls produced by Play-Rite for twenty years until his retirement about 1994. That ended the plentiful and cheap supply of Wurlitzer rolls.

Then Mike Grant, of Columbia City, Ind., stepped into the breach, using a small perforator capable of making four copies of an original roll at a time. Mike Kitner, of Carlisle, Pa., offered a hand-copying service by which he could produce a dozen copies of almost any kind of music roll on a contract basis. But his untimely death at the age of 56 on Dec. 12, 2000, from bone marrow cancer, which he had fought for several years, has deprived us of his service as well as of the society of a good man and talented restorer. The Herschell Carrousel Factory Museum in North Tonawanda, N.Y., operates one of the original Wurlitzer production perforators, perforator #12, using surviving original masters to make new copies of style 125 and style 150 rolls on the 3-to-1 scale just as Wurlitzer did decades ago. In 2009 Play-Rite resumed making Wurlitzer recuts, and is today the only source of volume recuts of Wurlitzer rolls. Valley Forge Music Rolls operates a laser perforator capable of making single copies of any music roll

Seabreeze Park Roll Collection

Seabreeze Amusement Park prides itself on having the most complete and updated collection of Wurlitzer and T.R.T. 165 rolls in the world. The collection includes a copy, in the form of recuts, of every known surviving roll issued from North Tonawanda from the beginning of production in 1914 to the end in 1967. By design it does not have any B.A.B transcriptions, the one exception being the presence of 'Junior Order March' on roll 6637 in place of the missing unknown tune 1. But that tune has been modified for the 165 scale by the addition of triangle and castanet perforations not found on B.A.B. transcriptions. Besides the Wurlitzer and T.R.T. rolls, the park has all of the better rolls arranged by modern-day arrangers.

The Seabreeze collection began in 1931, when George W. Long bought a Wurlitzer 165 band organ (serial #4292) for the park's carousel. By the time Wurlitzer stopped making rolls in 1945, he had acquired the following rolls: 6501, 6502, 6503, 6512, 6519, 6529, 6535-A, 6633, 6634, 6639, 6641, 6643, 6644, 6651, 6655, 6660, 6661, 6666, 6670, 6672, 6673, 6674, 6677, 6678, 6680, 6681, 6682, 6683, 6684, 6688, 6689, 6690 and 6691. When recut rolls began to be produced, George Long's son-in-law Merrick Price, who had a particular fondness for the band organ and had taken charge of it, began buying 165 recuts from Ray Siou, who sold them in one-dozen lots. Merrick also sent several original rolls that were unique to the Seabreeze collection to Play-Rite for recutting. At the time of the March 31, 1994, fire that destroyed the carousel, band organ, all rolls, and so much else in the park, the Seabreeze collection had been made fairly complete. But the fire reduced it to zero.

The years 1994 and 1995 were a time of rebuilding for Seabreeze, and to accelerate the process of rebuliding the band organ department, I donated my extensive personal 165 roll collection to the park. After Merrick Price's death on November 13, 1996, I took over the maintenance of the band organ and the roll collection.

When Play-Rite and Ray Siou started issuing recuts of original rolls, carrying on work that had been begun in the 1960's by Ross Davis, they found that often the first tune or two was missing from an original roll they located for copying. This was caused to some degree by the natural aging and fragility of the first few windings of paper on a roll, which were subject to attack by light, air, and moisture (which the CO2 in the air turned acid). But the primary cause was the frequent, often careless, handling of the roll, as it was put on and taken off the organ over the years.

A good case in point is Seabreeze's copy of roll 6535-A from 1923. When I first heard it around 1950, it was already missing the first few measures of tune 1. When I recorded it ten years later, one third of tune 1 was missing. As time went on, more and more was lost, until finally there was so little of tune 1 left that the roll was re-leadered to begin with tune 2. And then the wear started anew there. When Seabreeze's copy of 6535-A, the only known copy, was sent to Play-Rite for recutting around 1985 , all of tune 2 was gone, and the roll as issued by Play-Rite began with tune 3 of the original roll, but with two substitute tunes from other rolls added to replace the missing tunes 1 and 2. The original roll perished in the 1994 Seabreeze fire. In 1989, using my 1960's recording and the sheet music for tunes 1 and 2, I had those tunes newly arranged, and Play-Rite recut the roll anew, with all ten tunes on it.

Another reason for tunes being missing on a roll, particularly when the tune is not at the beginning of the roll, is an owner's decision to remove certain tunes from a roll for one reason or another. Ross Davis is known to have done this more than once. He probably had access to multiple copies of rolls, since he was the Spillman Company's west coast agent and a steady customer of the Rudolph Wurlitzer Company as well. He created two all-waltz rolls and one roll containing five marches from roll 6530 and a fox trot from roll 6635. Those three rolls were created by taking tunes from other rolls and splicing them together. The third roll was long sought after by Ray Siou, because the first tune on it was 'Bombasto,' missing on the only known copy of roll 6530, which he wanted to have Play-Rite recut complete. But Ray never did find the spliced roll with 'Bombasto.' So, when Play-Rite recut 6530, they had to substitute another tune. In 1999 I had Tom Meijer arrange 'Bombasto' for me, thinking that the original Wurlitzer version would never be found, and Play-Rite re-issued roll 6530 with Tom Meijer's 'Bombasto.' In the summer of 2010 Glenn Thomas acquired some rolls from the estate of the late John Maxwell, and among the rolls was the spliced roll with 'Bombasto.' So now, we have the original Wurlitzer version of the march and the Meijer version to compare it with. The Wurlitzer version has been recorded but not yet recut.

As time has passed, more complete versions of rolls that were recut earlier by Play-Rite have surfaced. In every such case a copy of the complete rolls has been added to the Seabreeze collection. In addition, a project was initiated in 2009 to have new arrangements made for still-missing tunes. Those new arrangements, mostly by Rich Olsen, have been spliced into Seabreeze's copy to make the Seabreeze 165 roll collection the most complete in the world.

Here is a list of the improved Seabreeze rolls for which earlier, less complete versions also exist:

6505: new recut, with 'High School Cadets' and 'The Veleta; New Round Dance' replacing substitutes from roll 6537.
6517: complete 4-tune roll, one of only three copies made from original roll.
6528/6537-A: tune order switched for better tempo: 'Morning, Noon, And Night in Vienna,' 'Zampa,' 'William Tell.'
6530: new recut, with missing tune 1, arranged by Tom Meijer, replacing Play-Rite substitute.
6532: new recut of complete original roll, with tunes 1 and 2.
6535-A: new recut, with missing tunes 1 and 2, arranged by David E. Stumpf, replacing Play-Rite substitutes.
6546: missing tunes 1 and 2, arranged by Rich Olsen, added as tunes 9-10, replacing Play-Rite substitutes.
6554: missing tune 1, arranged by Rich Olsen, to replace B.A.B version found on some recuts as tune 3.
6570: missing tunes 1 and 2, arranged by Rich Olsen, to replace Play-Rite substitutes.
6578: missing tune 6, arranged by Rich Olsen, added.
6606: missing tune 1, arranged by Rich Olsen, added.
6607: new recut, with missing tunes 1 and 2, arranged by Bob Stuhmer, replacing Play-Rite substitutes.
6610: new recut of complete original roll, with tunes 3 and 10.
6615: new recut of complete original roll, with tune 1 replacing earlier Play-Rite substitute.
6617: new recut of complete original roll, with tune 2 replacing earlier Play-Rite substitute.
6618: missing tunes 2, 3, and 10, arranged by Rich Olsen, added to replace Play-Rite substitutes.
6637: new recut, with 'Junior Order March,' adapted from a B.A.B. roll, in place of missing, unknown tune 1.
6638: new recut of complete original roll, with tune 1.
6639: removal of first two tunes, which were erroneously added to Play-Rite recuts, to restore roll to original 10-tune state.
6655: new copy made for Seabreeze Park to speed up too-slow tune 1.
6658: missing tune 1, arranged by Rich Olsen, added.
6703-6717: missing tune 12, 'The Convoy,' erroneously replaced by duplicate copy of tune 11 in recuts, restored.
6707-6708: tune 12, cut too short in compositing process, lengthened.

Note: Copies of the missing tunes from rolls 6546, 6554, 6570, 6606, 6618, and 6658 are available to interested parties for splicing onto the rolls on which they belong.

Lost rolls and lost roll information

Wurlitzer began marketing its Style 165 Band Organ, which was the first organ to play the style 165 roll, in 1914. Between 1914 and September 1921, when Wurlitzer issued its last roll in the 65xx numbering series (roll 6578) and began issuing its rolls in the 66xx series, the earliest known of which is roll 6605 (December 1921), the company issued a total of approximately seventy-five to seventy-nine 65xx rolls. Excluded from this count is the special series of thirty-seven rolls which we now call the Wurlitzer evergreen rolls.

The existence of its evergreen rolls, which were produced from about 1918 to 1925, greatly beclouds the picture of Wurlitzer's roll issuing operation. To get a clear understanding of it, one must separate the evergreens from the regular rolls. But making the separation difficult is the fact that the evergreen series re-used roll numbers already assigned from 1914 to 1918 to Wurlitzer's early, non-evergreen (popular tune) rolls. Although this numbering decision causes great problems for collectors and historians today, it caused no problem to Wurlitzer. Wurlitzer never intended, nor wanted, its customers to preserve and continue to use its rolls once the popularity of the tunes they contained had waned. So regular rolls were kept in stock by Wurlitzer for only a brief period, after which the rolls and their numbers became obsolete.

By contrast, the tunes chosen for the new evergreen roll series were ones that had proven to be of lasting popularity, e.g. Viennese waltzes, Sousa marches, operatic melodies, to make rolls which Wurlitzer planned to keep in stock permanently. The first evergreen roll was roll 6501 and the last was roll 6537 (February 1925). The issue date of evergreen 6501 is uncertain, as is the date when the evergreen series was inaugurated, because the evergreen rolls were not announced in Wurlitzer's Monthly Roll Bulletins (unlike its regular rolls), until the series had reached roll 6528 (March 1921). Wurlitzer's main method of marketing its evergreen rolls seemed to be by publishing a single catalog of those rolls rather than announcing each release in a Monthly Roll Bulletin.

Because the evergreen rolls were listed in one catalog, the contents of all but onr of the thirty-seven rolls are known (the exception being roll 6504), and most of those rolls survive today, because Wurlitzer sold them for years.. Only ten of them do not survive, they being mostly Cuban rolls or short three-tune rolls.

But the regular rolls present an entirely different picture. Of the seventy-five or so regular rolls issued in the 65xx series and only stocked while their popularity lasted, the contents of fifty-six of them are known. The primary reason for so many gaps in our knowledge of these rolls is that copies of Wurlitzer's Monthly Roll Bulletins between March 1914 and October 1917 have not survived. Most of the unknown rolls were made between 1914 (roll 6501) and mid-1917 (roll 6530). From that point on until the end of the 65xx series (roll 6579) we lack contents for only two rolls (6565 and 6569). Of the rolls for which we know the contents, twenty-seven are lost today, with eleven of them being identical to rolls in the evergreen series, so that only sixteen rolls are totally lost and unplayable.

Of the possibly seventy-nine regular 65xx rolls that Wurlitzer issued, including both those with known contents and those of unknown contents, fifty rolls are lost; but eleven survive in the evergreen series, leaving thirty-nine rolls totally lost.

It appears that the only hope of finding lost 65xx rolls today in the regular roll series is to locate still-existing 165-roll-playing organs that were made or converted to playing 165 rolls before 1922. This would exclude Style 157 band organs, which postdate this period, and focus solely on the seven surviving pre-1922 Style 165's. Those organs are serial #2943 (1915; Sanfilippo collection), serial #2992 (1916; Neilson collection); serial #3030 (1917; Circus World Museum), serial #3106 (1918; Neilson collection), serial #3124 (1918; Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk), serial #3358 (1921; Chase collection), serial #3378 (1921; Gilson collection).

Of the eighty-six rolls made in the 66xx series (rolls 6605 to 6690) before Wurlitzer sold its roll business to the Allan Herschell Company at the end of World War II, information on all is known except for seven: 6648, 6654, 6659, 6664, 6665, 6667, and 6668. The only rolls of the known seventy-nine for which no copies survive are four; 6605, 6608, 6614, and 6652.

The charts below show the roll numbers for all style 165 roll issued by the Rudolph Wurlitzer Company from the beginning of style 165 roll production in 1914 to the year 1945, when Wurlitzer sold its roll business to the Allan Herschell Company. The notation 'lost' after a roll number indicates that the contents of the roll are known and the roll is listed in this catalog, but that no copy is known to exist today. The notation 'unknown' means that nothing is known today about a roll with that number, although it is believed to have been issued by Wurlitzer.
ROLLS 6501-6600 (1914-1921)

6501 unknown
6502 unknown
6503 unknown
6504 unknown
6506 unknown
6507 unknown
6508 unknown
6510 unknown
6512 unknown
6513 unknown
6514 unknown
6515 unknown
6517 unknown
6518 unknown
6519 unknown
6520 unknown
6522 unknown
6524 unknown
6526 unknown
6527 unknown
6528 unknown
6530 lost
6533 lost
6536 lost
6540 lost, re-issued as evergreen 6511
6541 lost
6542 lost
6543 lost
6544 lost, re-issued as evergreen 6517
6545 lost, re-issued as evergreen 6512
6546 (missing 1-2, newly arranged)
6548 lost
6549 lost, re-issued as evergreen 6518
6550 lost
6551 lost, re-issued as evergreen 6519
6552 lost
6553 lost
6554 (missing tune 1, newly arranged)
6555 lost
6556 lost
6559 lost
6561 lost
6562 lost
6563 lost
6564 lost
6565 unknown
6566 lost
6569 unknown
6570 (missing 1-2, newly arranged)
6571 lost
6572 lost, re-issued as evergreen 6528(1)
6573 lost
6574 lost
6575 lost
6576 lost
6578 (missing tune 6, newly arranged)
6579 lost, re-issued on evergreens 6526 and 6527
(rolls 6580-6600 never issued?)
6580 unknown
6581 unknown
6582 unknown
6583 unknown
6584 unknown
6585 unknown
6586 unknown
6587 unknown
6588 unknown
6589 unknown
6590 unknown
6591 unknown
6592 unknown
6593 unknown
6594 unknown
6595 unknown
6596 unknown
6597 unknown
6598 unknown
6599 unknown
6600 unknown

EVERGREEN ROLLS 6501-6537 (1915 (ca.)-1925)

6504 unknown
6505 (missing unknown 1-2)
6506 lost
6508 lost
6515 lost
6520 lost
6521 lost
6523 lost
6524 (missing tune 1)
6525 lost
6531 lost
6532 (missing tune 1, newly arranged)
6533 lost
6535 (missing 1-2, newly arranged)
6536 lost

ROLLS 6601-6690 (Dec. 1921-1945)

6601 unknown
6602 unknown
6603 unknown
6604 unknown
6605 (tune 1 newly arranged)
6606 (tune 1 newly arranged)
6607 (1-2 newly arranged)
6609 (1-2 newly arranged)
6614 lost, recreated
6618 (2, 3, 10 newly arranged)
6620? possible lost roll
6637 (missing unknown 1)
6648 unknown
6652 lost, recreated
6654 unknown
6658 (tune 1 newly arranged)
6659 unknown
6664 unknown
6665 unknown
6667 unknown
6668 unknown


Rollography Project History and Goals

88-Note Player-Piano Music Roll Type

The 88-Note Wurlitzer Player Piano was introduced in 1906, two years before the Wurlitzer 65-Note Automatic Player Piano was marketed. First off, it is probably a good idea to avoid confusion by pointing out that the Wurlitzer 88-Note Player-Piano music roll was unique. It used a multi-tune roll that was 10-7/16' wide, against a 100 hole tracker bar with 10-to-the-inch spacing. In sharp contrast, the common 88-note home player piano roll was 11-1/4' wide, for a tracker bar with 88 holes with 9-to-the-inch spacing. The Wurlitzer 88-note player piano and the standard home player piano were not at all interchangeable, nor the rolls compatible with each other. There were two Wurlitzer 88-note models: The Style A was fitted with a coin slot for commercial use, while the Style B was push button operated for home use.

About 65 units were manufactured in 1906. The year 1907 was the best year for production, with some 183 units produced. When the 65-Note Automatic Player Piano was introduced in 1908, it soon outsold the 88-Note Player Piano. By 1912 a grand total of only five 88-Note units were made, consisting of 2 Style A pianos and 3 Style B pianos. The Wurlitzer Automatic Roll Changer was introduced in 1910. In the Wurlitzer 10,000 Series Disposition Ledger there are only four 88-note style A pianos with the notation 'RC,' indicating that a roll changer had been installed. Oddly enough, all four of these roll changer equipped pianos were shipped to Kentucky in 1911, one to Frankfort, and the other three to Lexington. One of these, #14489 dated Aug. 7, 1911, in the Wurlitzer ledger, is still in Lexington today and has the oldest known roll changer, #199.

In parsing through the available Wurlitzer Monthly Roll Bulletins, the last observed newly arranged Wurlitzer 88-Note Player-Piano roll seems to be #266, listed in the December, 1921, roll bulletin. In the years leading up to 1921 a particular roll bulletin might list none, or only show one or occasionally two 88-note rolls, with perhaps as few as 3 or 4 new rolls for the entire year. After 1921 only one other 88-note roll has been observed in a roll bulletin, this one in the March, 1922 roll bulletin. However, this was not a new roll, but rather a rehash of older unsold stock, roll #245 (Irish Selections). The disappearance of new 88-note rolls in the roll bulletins after 1921 suggests that roll production for the 88-Note Player-Piano ceased altogether in 1921, although there may have been some remaining unsold stock on hand for several more years. Wurlitzer 88-note music rolls were available in two formats: (1) the regular 5-tune size that was fitted with a tabbed roll leader, and (2) the 5-tune size fitted with a cloth leader with attached metal bar for the roll changer equipped instruments.

Comparison of 65-Note and 88-Note Roll Frames

Over the manufacturing lifespan of the 88-note and 65-note instruments the roll frames utilized evolved dramatically, starting out with a simple deKleist designed single roll mechanism to the elaborate Wurlitzer automatic roll changer, which held six music rolls and, after automatic rewind, changed to the next (or a selected) music roll without human intervention. But the single roll mechanism also evolved, becoming a rugged and dependable roll frame suitable for sustained commercial use. Although these robust mechanisms still utilized a single music roll the rolls were much larger in diameter and could therefore accommodate much more music than the early 5-tune music rolls. Now the number of tunes per roll generally ranged from 10 to 20 tunes, although some classical rolls had less than 10 tunes due to the length of the classical arrangements. Nevertheless, regardless of the number of tunes, these large multi-tune music rolls were commonly referred to as 10-tune rolls.

The tracker scales remained consistent over time, but the later 65-note scale simplified the construction of the player mechanism by eliminating vacuum expression controls as employed in the earlier 88-note player pianos. Having dispensed with vacuum expression controls, the 65-note pianos had only a hammer soft rail to provide any shading in the music, but the 65-note tracker scale did provide for register controls for additional instrumentation, such as for a rank of violin and/or flute pipes, plus snare and bass drum perforations. Some instruments built in the 1920s used multiplexing of certain control perforations to turn on and off a set of orchestra bells and also a xylophone.

Wurlitzer Tracker Comparison Table
65-Note Tracker Scale88-Note Tracker Scale
1. Shutoff
2. Hammer rail up, mandolin on.
3. Hammer rail down, mandolin off.
4. Sustaining pedal on.
5. Sustaining pedal off.
6. Snare drum, reiterating.
7-71. Playing notes: A through C#.
72. Flute on, violin off.
73. Violin on, flute off.
74. Bass ldrum and triangle.
75. Rewind.
1+2. Rewind (when opened simultaneously).
3. Cancel 2nd intensity.
4. Cancel 1st intensity.
5. Hammer rail down.
6. Sustaining pedal.
7. Shutoff.
8. Hammer rail up.
9-96. 88 playing notes, A through C.
97. Cancel 3rd intensity.
98. 3rd intensity on.
99. 2nd intensity on.
100. 1st intensity on.

Music Roll Paper Color

When available, the color of the music roll paper is recorded. This can be an important clue when trying to identify a music roll when the label is missing. The various paper colors tend to define a date range when the roll was arranged and cut, therefore giving a clue as to where to look when trying to match it with already established roll information. Also, by knowing the paper color, anyone experienced with Wurlitzerized music can pretty much know in advance how the tune will be arranged, and sound, as the roll arrangers in any specific period of time had their own peculiar way of arranging, but all of it was definitely Wurlitzerized.

Wurlitzer APP music rolls have been observed in the following paper colors:

  • Purple -- Very early rolls cut by de Kleist, and perhaps by Wurlitzer shortly after taking possession of the de Kleist factory in January of 1909.
  • Red -- Early Wurlitzer-cut rolls that are often fragile from age.
  • White.
  • Orange/tan -- The color seems to vary depending upon the roll storage environment and the aging properties of the paper.
  • Dull Yellowish Green -- First green paper rolls, circa 1915.
  • Green Waxed -- Probably circa 1918 (after World War I) and used up through the end of roll production by Wurlitzer in 1945. Matthew Caulfield has reported hearsay that Allan Herschell and then T.R.T. Manufacturing Company used Wurlitzer green waxed paper for cutting rolls until the supply was used up.

Music Roll Wrappers

For regular spooled (non-roll changer) Wurlitzer music rolls, and after they were spooled and ready to stuff into a box, the factory wrapped each roll with a piece of roll paper, usually ranging from 18 to 24 inches long. On the wrapper for early red paper rolls the roll number was rubber-stamped in large numbers on the leading end, and the wrapper was also rubber stamped in large letters with the brief notation: “Remove this wrapper to play roll.” By the time that the white paper rolls came into use the roll number was no longer rubber-stamped, but rather just quickly handwritten on the wrapper. Then by the time that the green waxed paper rolls came into use, circa 1918, the wrappers seem to be neither rubber-stamped or marked up in any way. That someone had to be warned about removing the wrapper raises the question as to what kind of complaints Wurlitzer might have received to warrant such a prominent and bold notice? Perhaps it might seem ridiculous that anyone would have to be instructed to remove the short length of wrapper paper before the music roll could be used, but apparently such a notice was deemed necessary.

Most collectors today have probably never seen a Wurlitzer roll with the original wrapper still intact, let along know that such a thing ever existed. No doubt the rarity of wrappers today is due to them routinely being tossed in the trash, since at the time they would have served no useful residual purpose to a route operator or piano owner. For example, do you bother to keep and preserve the wrapping paper used for shipping when you receive some new product today? Nevertheless, surprisingly some music roll wrapper specimens do still exist, all of the currently known examples from a horde of new old stock Pianino rolls found by the late Jerry Doring, a long time, avid Southern California collector.

Tempo Issues and Roll #1709

Wurlitzer's Music Roll Department from time to time issued what were called Standard Instructions, which the music roll department were to follow. At least one of these instruction sheets survives and is interesting in that it sets a new standard for music roll arranging and roll cutting prompted by customer complaints. The document describes how new music arrangements, starting with roll #1709, are to be arranged to the same scale, how stencils (roll masters) are to be identified, and then rolls perforated using a standard gear on the perforating machine. Any collector who has listened to a lot of Wurlitzer rolls can testify to the fact that the tempo from tune to tune is often inconsistent, and apparently a lot of Wurlitzer customers noticed this difference, too, and complained loudly about it. To quote from the Standard Instructions, 'We have had so many complaints regarding the tempo of our music that we have found it necessary to make some changes in our present methods. After a thorough investigation we have found that most of our difficulties can be charged to the fact that we do not have a uniform way of making our rolls. In order to correct this condition we have prepared the following standard instructions which are not to be deviated from without the consent of the General Superintendent.'

From the rollography, roll #1707 and roll #1712 both have tunes with a 1923 copyright date, which suggests that roll #1709 would also have tunes from the same time period. This then suggests that roll #1709, and by inference, the Standard Instructions issued to the Music Roll Department, were issued circa 1923, or soon thereafter. It is surprising that resolution of the tempo issue waited until such a late date before any corrective measures were taken. Perhaps the tempo problem was a minor thing until it was eventually exacerbated by the fact that by 1923 Wurlitzer was manufacturing a much wider variety of music rolls, which included not only rolls for long ago established automatic pianos and orchestrions, but also for photoplayer use and some rather new, exotic rolls for pipe organs players. Early on (after the de Kleist takeover) roll arranging was probably a relatively simple matter, with only a few categories of automatic instruments to be considered, but later on the music roll types and the uses to which they were applied had expanded greatly, with widely differing requirements for the various categories. As such, old original standards might have become confused and intermixed with the new, which by 1923 required reorganization to quiet customer complaints.

The above confirms a phenomenon many students of Wurlitzer music have noticed for a long time: Mixing early and late cut Wurlitzer band organ rolls on a duplex roll frame led to very noticeable tempo problems. Early rolls and later rolls don't play well together. It has been reported that the late Rich Olsen was investigating this problem and he had zeroed in on the year 1923 as the year when the mismatched tempo problem began. This same kind of tempo disparity has also been noted for APP and other Wurlitzer coin piano rolls when rolls of vastly different ages are intermixed on a roll changer, although perhaps the tempo issue is not so readily apparent as it is with band organ music where a strict cadence is expected.

Identification of Damaged Music Rolls

All music rolls are identified by a number located on the music roll leader. Early Wurlitzer cut music rolls were supplied in sequentially numbered, labeled boxes containing rolls that were also labeled. Sometimes the roll was additionally rubber stamped with a roll number above the label. Later rolls also came in labeled boxes, but Wurlitzer often dispensed with a numbered program label on the roll leader altogether, with no more than a rubber stamped number centered on the roll leader. Hence, if the box was misplaced or lost the tune program for the roll was also lost. Moreover, it is not uncommon to find a music roll whereby the leader has been torn off due to some mishap. So, then, how do you identify such a damaged roll?

In the Wurlitzer Roll Department a production line of perforators were kept busy, each perforator simultaneously punching out a dozen or so copies of a particular roll type. When the perforating job was finished (and before the rolls were sent to the spooling area) they needed to be identified, and so the roll number (or some shorthand version of it) was scribbled on the tail-end of the newly cut batch of rolls. This means if you unspool a roll and examine the tail-end you will find the roll number written in pencil. However, what you find may not be the entire roll number, but only a shortened version of it. Here is one observed example: From a cutting batch for roll #2070 the number inscribed on the tail-end was the number 70. Such abbreviated numbers would not have been an issue for the roll department, because they would have been considered no more than a temporary identifier before the batch of rolls were sent on to the spooling room. So, while it is possible to identify a Wurlitzer roll by looking for the tail-end number, one must also be aware that what is observed might be a contraction or shortened number. This complicates the process of identifying a roll, but it is usually possible to determine the full number by noting the vintage of the tunes on the roll, as well as the paper color, and then comparing the mystery roll to other rolls with the same paper color and/or tunes of a similar vintage.

The Virtues of Wurlitzerized Music

From the 1913 Wurlitzer Monthly Roll Bulletins comes the following messages:

WURLITZERIZED MUSIC is demanded by all musicians who want the best and know which is the best. This week's roll is far above the average. Good, tuneful melodies and rich harmonies. Don't fail to hear this roll. You will surely want it, and of course it's Wurlitzerized.



Wurlitzerized Music educates the masses to a keen appreciation of that which is the best in music. No matter whether it be a popular song, a ragged rag, or a classical selection, each has its devotees, and we have the music for them. This week's offering consist of five very popular hits, all good musically and poetically. It should be in every library, and to miss it would be to lose a treat. And don't forget it's Wurlitzerized. 'Nuf said.

And so it has been said for Wurlitzerized music...

Database Properties:

The Music Roll Database incorporates the following important attributes:

  1. Music roll identifier code (in the general format of 'WAPP-12345-a').
  2. Music roll type: (Example: 'WAPP-00123-a'):
    • Wurlitzer 65-Note Automatic Player Piano (abbreviated: 'WAPP').
    • Wurlitzer 88-Note Player Piano (abbreviated: 'W88P'). The database is so structured that is can accommodate the early 88-note automatic player piano rolls, which tend to be rare. They are differentiated in the database from 65-note rolls by a unique grouping code, which will place 88-note APP rolls at the end of any report that also includes 65-note APP rolls.
    • Player Piano Company (Durrell Armstrong) re-cut APP music rolls (abbreviated: 'PPCO').
    • Ray Siou re-cut APP Composite and/or Caliola music rolls (abbreviated: 'SCAL' for A roll to Caliola transposed rolls; and 'SCOM' for composite APP rolls.
    • Holton Roll Company modern issue 65-Note APP rolls (abbreviated: 'HAPP').
    • Art Reblitz new arrangements and transpositions to APP 65-note format (abbreviated: 'ARPM').
  3. Music roll number up to five alphanumeric characters in length ('WAPP-12345-a').
  4. Music roll number suffix ('WAPP-12345-a'). The database is designed to accommodate several rolls with the same exact roll number, but with different tune programs. Because each music roll identifier code must be unique a trailing suffix is used to differentiate between different rolls bearing the same roll number. The default value is 'a' but any alpha-numeric character can be used.
  5. Music roll title (if any), such as 'Dance Roll With Drums.'
  6. Individual tune titles, usually limited to no more than fifteen tunes, but occasionally up to twenty tunes.
  7. Tune Composers.
  8. Dates (if any, as mentioned in the label; a roll catalog, bulletin, or program card; or an estimated date of issue; or copyright date for one or more of the tunes).
  9. Pertinent comments or other descriptive information, such as:
    • Paper color.
    • Source of information, e.g., music roll catalogue, bulletin, label, rollography, etc.
    • Noteworthy characteristics, such as hand-typed label, German-cut roll, etc.

Typos, Other Errors, and Corrections

Wurlitzer 165 Midi Files Converter

Typos, misspellings, and misprints in music roll titles, individual tune titles, and in composer names are silently corrected when noted. When an error in an original Wurlitzer roll catalogue and/or label is suspected, or when two or more spelling variations are observed when compared to other Wurlitzer sources, the possibly errant word, title, and/or composer name is checked against various Internet resources for accuracy, with the correction, if any, applied to all discoverable instances within the APP rollography, as well as in other associated rollographies.

But please note that no bracketed indications of a correction, or [sic] notices are included. Why? While notating corrections that deviate from some original Wurlitzer label or catalogue might be interesting to some readers, noting such corrections could interfere with indexing and look-up options for that particular item. A case in point is Internet searches. Very often, when searching out information for some obscure tune, what turns up in the search is a rollography entry already available on the Mechanical Music Press web site. Thus the rollography information becomes a resource for anyone looking up information. For this and similar reasons, it was deemed important to have the information in a rollography be as accurate as possible—even though the corrected result may vary slightly but insignificantly from a Wurlitzer printed reference—because a rollography entry is often the only usefully referenced source returned in an Internet search.

The database will be updated periodically if error/correction reports are received. To submit an error report please send an email to (Please enable Javascript to see the email address.)

Verified vs. Unidentified Music Rolls

Verified music rolls appear in database reports, while unidentified rolls (where the roll number is unknown) may or may not, depending upon the purpose and structure of the report. A roll is considered verified when the roll number, roll title, various other kinds of header information, and the tune number, tune order, tune title, and composer information is verified as reasonably correct by comparing it to whatever most trusted reference source might be available. Reference resources primarily include, but are not limited to (1) original Wurlitzer roll catalogues, (2) original Wurlitzer roll or box labels, (3) Wurlitzer program cards, (4) Wurlitzer monthly roll bulletins, and, secondarily, (5) personal roll lists with a reputation for accuracy, such as by Himpsl, Conway, Kitner/Reblitz, Sprankle, etc., (6) re-cut roll catalogues by Player Piano Company (Durrell Armstrong), Ray Siou, and/or the Player Piano Centre (Doyle Lane), and (7) roll labels for re-cut rolls by the aforementioned entities.

Unidentified APP Rolls Report: This special diagnostic report is used to study and share information about rolls for which the roll number is missing. For these rolls little about them can be reliably ascertained. This report makes it easy for anyone to assist in discovering a roll number, and in turn the accuracy of the tune and composer information.

Backfilling of Data from Re-Cut Music Rolls

Backfilling is when re-cut roll data is recorded not only for the re-cut roll, but the musical program data is then, if necessary, also backfilled into the Wurlitzer APP data segment of the database. This happens whenever there is presumably reliable re-cut roll information that was derived from original Wurlitzer music roll labels, but for which no official Wurlitzer label or other official reference is currently available. Thus, Wurlitzer rolls are entered into the database that are based solely upon the information provided by a re-cut roll catalogue and/or roll label. The criteria that determines whether backfilling occurs is as follows:

  • Player Piano Company: Backfilling is NEVER used in regards to any rolls and/or information supplied by Player Piano Company. This is because the roll numbers assigned to their re-cut rolls appear to be arbitrary, and not consistent with official Wurlitzer roll numbers. Of the several rolls that do have the same roll number as an original Wurlitzer roll, and that could be compared against each other in the database, the musical programs were wholly different.
  • Ray Siou Re-cut Rolls: Wurlitzer APP re-cuts, Wurlitzer Caliola rolls, and Wurlitzer APP Composite rolls (that clearly refer to the Wurlitzer rolls numbers making up the composite program) are backfilled into the database as Wurlitzer rolls. As such, there is a database entry for each referenced Wurlitzer roll, as well as a separate entry for the Siou Composite roll.
  • Ray Siou 65-Note Style A Conversions: Style A rolls that have been transcribed into the Wurlitzer APP format are NEVER backfilled as Wurlitzer rolls, and are only shown as Siou rolls.
  • T.R.T. Manufacturing Company (Ralph Tussing) Rolls: These are ALWAYS considered to be an extension of the Wurlitzer music roll line, using original Wurlitzer perforators and in most cases original Wurlitzer arranged stencils. As such, they are entered as Wurlitzer APP rolls.
  • Player Piano Centre (Doyle Lane) Rolls: These rolls are also ALWAYS considered to be an extension of the Wurlitzer music roll line. Again, they were cut using original Wurlitzer perforators and in most cases with the original Wurlitzer arranged stencils. As such, they are entered as Wurlitzer APP rolls.
  • Other Re-cut Projects: Re-cut projects other than the above, and that maintained original Wurlitzer label and program content (such as the Don Teach re-cut project) are dealt with as though they were original Wurlitzer rolls.

Source Trust Levels


The primary and other (secondary) sources of roll information are shown on most database reports. How and in what order sources are reported is based upon a series of so-called Trust Levels, which are based upon the idea that the most trusted source is original Wurlitzer documentation (i.e., roll labels, program cards, and roll catalogues—although Wurlitzer information is known to contain errors). Next is information from various roll catalogues by Ralph Tussing, Durrell Armstrong, Ray Siou, Doyle Lane and the Herschell Carousel Museum, followed by accurate personal roll lists made from music rolls on-hand and/or actually observed. Lastly are the compilations of music rolls made up through reports by multiple sources, but largely for rolls never physically observed. Ironically, the Julie Porter rollography, which is the initiating seed compilation that inspired this APP database into existence, falls into the last category simply because the majority of the information was reported, with the more 'original' reporting sources taking precedent. However, being in this category does not diminish the utter importance of Julie Porter's work in making possible this particular rollography database.

Composer Pseudonyms Vs. Real Names

The Frank Himpsl APP roll information occasionally contains both the composer pseudonym/name (as printed on the roll label) plus the added composers actual legal name, i.e., 'Bud Manchester (E.J. Stark).' In this example the composer's true name is in parenthesis. According to Mr. Himpsl the practice of using pseudonyms was common with ragtime writers, and female composers as well, who often used pen names because sheet music publishers had the idea that tunes by women didn't sell as well.

Standard Searchable PDF Reports

All generated PDF format reports are fully searchable. This means that you can initiate a search for any string of characters desired without having to first OCR or otherwise adjust the report. When viewed using a standard PDF viewer/reader, pressing CTRL + F should bring up a small dialog box that allows the input of a search string. This 'string' can be any combination of alpha-numeric and/or special keyboard characters.

Microsoft Excel Formatted Report

There is one Microsoft Excel formatted report available for those individuals who want to vary and customize the way they deal with and sort tunes and/or composers. The Excel file incorporates the following field items, which are ordered using a specialized music roll identifier code in the general format of 'WAPP - 12345 (a)'. Here is how to understand the identifier code:

  1. The Music Roll Type: 'WAPP - 00123 (a)':
    • Wurlitzer 65-Note Automatic Player Piano (abbreviated: 'WAPP').
    • Wurlitzer 88-Note Player Piano (abbreviated: 'W88P').
    • Player Piano Company re-cut APP music rolls (abbreviated: 'PPCO').
    • Ray Siou re-cut APP Composite and/or Caliola music rolls (abbreviated: 'SCAL' for A roll to Caliola transposed rolls; and 'SCOM' for composite APP rolls.
    • Holton Roll Company modern issue 65-Note APP rolls (abbreviated: 'HAPP').
    • Art Reblitz new arrangements and transpositions to APP 65-note format (abbreviated: 'ARPM').
  2. The Music Roll Number can be up to five alphanumeric characters in length, i.e., 'WAPP - 12345 (a)'.
  3. The '01' Music Roll Numbers: The late '01' series of popular music rolls have a lower case 'o' for the leading zero, i.e., 'WAPP - o123 (a)'.
  4. The Music Roll Number Suffix, i.e., 'WAPP - 12345 (b)'. In the Excel file the suffix is enclosed in parenthesis, but it only shows if and when the value is anything but the default value of 'a'. Any alpha-numeric or special keyboard character can be used. Because each music roll identifier code must be unique a trailing suffix is used to differentiate between different rolls bearing the same roll number.
  5. The Music Roll Title (if any), will be included, such as 'Dance Roll With Drums.'
  6. The Individual Tune Numbers, are usually limited to no more than ten, but occasionally up to a maximum of twenty tunes.
  7. The Individual Tune Titles.
  8. The Individual Tune Composers.

Submitting New Music Roll Information

The database is far from complete, and so any additional, or more reliable, information is both welcome and appreciated. For instance, if a music roll is verified by means of a re-cut roll label, and then a Wurlitzer roll label is discovered, the verification entry will be upgraded to indicate the increased level of trust. Moreover, partial information from damaged roll labels can be very useful, and can often be used to match up and complete otherwise incomplete tune title and/or composer information. For examples and suggestions on how to submit images click here or on the thunmnail image at right.

Very often music rolls are NOT in their correct box. Thus, it is necessary to look inside all boxes and see if the box and roll labels correspond. If they do not, then a 'double yield' of information results, from both the box label and a differing music roll label.

Please send an e-mail message to (Please enable Javascript to see the email address.) and include the following information:

If Sending a Hand-Typed List

  • Is the roll an original factory roll or more recent recut roll?
  • Include the music roll title, if any, i.e., Dance Roll with Drums, March roll, etc.
  • Include the tune number, tune title, and composer information.
  • Is the information from a music roll, roll box, a loose unattached label, or a list?
  • Include the color of the roll paper when known, i.e., red, white, orange, tan, green, etc.
  • Attach the list, or copy and paste it into the e-mail body,
  • Note whether, or not, you want you name associated with the information submitted.

If Sending Photographs of Roll Labels

  • Snap a clear, easily readable picture of the roll label. For multiple music roll box labels, four to six boxes can be grouped together for a group picture of the labels.
  • Attach the pictures to an e-mail message.
  • Note whether, or not, you want you name associated with the information submitted.
  • Send the completed e-mail to (Please enable Javascript to see the email address.)

Thank you for any assistance you may provide. Information submitted will be added to the music roll database and/or will be very helpful in confirming that data already collected is correct. Some of the catalogued data has come from old typed lists or nearly illegible box labels, for which no known original roll exists, and so every bit of new data can be very useful in compiling a more complete and accurate database of rolls.

Distribution of Database Information
Last Updated on June 4, 2020

Adobe Reader (or its equivalent) is required to open, fill-in, or print the Music Roll Survey Form. The free Adobe Reader can be downloaded by clicking on the icon at left.

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Download the current database report as a PDF
by clicking on the rollography report buttons below,
or report more music rolls by clicking the bottom button.

All Rolls in Database
726 pages.

Roll Numbers Unknown
3 pages.

659 pages.

Per 1969 Catalogue
17 pages.

Tune Titles
406 pages.

Per 1985 & 1989 Catalogues
50 pages.

Composer Names
375 pages.

2 pages.

9 pages.

Wurlitzer 165 Rolls

All database report information is offered 'as is,' without any guarantee or warranty whatsoever of any kind, neither stated, implied, nor inferred, as to the accuracy, correctness, exactness, suitability, or usefulness of any content.