Silent Hunter 3 Merchant Fleet Mod 2
Silent Hunter Mods
World Merchant Fleet
Silent Hunter III Mode Schnellboot Mod 2 is a stand-alone total conversion for Silent Hunter III. Schnellboot Mod 2 builds upon years of work from the Silent Hunter III Modding Community and takes out the “Silent” from the game title to put the player in the boots of a World War II German Commander. Silent Hunter 3 Merchant Fleet Mod. 8/20/2020 0 Comments All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries.The movie-like graphics.
reliable 'split in half' ship damage feature that exsists in stock, and changes tot he ships damage model that prevents torpedoes hitting the same area of the ship multiple times from casuing anything other than flodding in that area to become fast. This creates more uncertanty in the way a ship will sink and how fast and how many hits. Plus, the deck gun cannot be simply aimed at one spot on the ship and repeatedly fired. You must actualy damage the ship at or below the waterline in a manner that actualy causes flooding, and large merchants may required dozens of shells. Small arms fire wont damage things larger than small coastals like tugs, as was historicly correct. Additionaly, a new sub damage model has been added which allows your sub and crew to incur negative effects as the result of enemy fire as light as 20mm. This will make surface assults on armed merchants as small as fishing boats and challenging of aircraft to carry more risk than stock. Other features include clickable interiors, new uniforms, visual and sensor adjustments, a new AI, revised ship rosters and new weapon sounds for surface guns. Additionaly, repairs to systems seriously damaged (but not destroyed) which makes more sense, as some types of repairable damage was not nessecarily repairable at sea.