Where Are The Undo Preferences For Adobe Illustrator On The Mac

by Barb Binder
Updated Aug 5, 2016 for CC 2015
  1. Restore the default preferences for Adobe Illustrator CS6. Then, open the finished. Art file for this lesson to see an illustration. 1 To ensure that the tools and panels function exactly as described in this lesson, delete or deactivate (by renaming) the Adobe Illustrator CS6 preferences file. See “Restoring default preferences” on page 3.
  2. Method 2: Restore Lost File from Illustrator Backup. Adobe helps you to recover lost data from Adobe Illustrator files in case of loss or crash. But the recovery feature is not enabled upon installation. You have to activate the data recovery preference in the Illustrator ‘Preferences’.

Illustrator uses the Save as an option to create the following file formats: 1) AI Illustrator (.ai) Adobe Illustrator document is the native file format of the Adobe Illustrator which supports all the features provided by the illustrator. 2) Illustrator EPS (.eps) Encapsulated PostScript (EPS) is used to place the graphic elements into a page. Press and hold Alt+Control+Shift (Windows) or Option+Command+Shift (macOS) as you start Illustrator. The new preferences files are created the next time you start Illustrator. To manually restore preferences to default Remove or rename the Adobe Illustrator Preferences file. Solved: anyone kknows how to reset all of illustrator setings, printing preferences, color swatches etc, etc, all at once without re-installing the software?

Adobe Illustrator handles setting new document defaults very differently than InDesign & Photoshop. We set system defaults in InDesign by closing all open files, and making choices in the various menus and panels. From that point on, InDesign uses those choices as the defaults in each new document. Photoshop simply remembers the last thing you’ve done—frequently, you don’t even have to give it any thought. But Illustrator? It’s a different story.

I have certain preferences that I like to set for each new document. As long as they are choices I can make in the Preferences dialog box, then it’s no big deal, because those settings impact all future documents. But there are a other document preferences that I end up having to set up each time I start a new project. It’s not a very efficient workflow.

So what are the options? One is to create a new blank document with all of my favorite settings, save it, and then use it as the starting point for each new project. That will work, until something distracts me and I inadvertently save over the file and wipe it out.

Here’s a similar, but more elegant (and safer) solution:

Where Are The Undo Preferences For Adobe Illustrator On The Mac
  1. Use File > New to create a new document. Pick the options that you want to use as a starting point for new files. In my example, I’m setting up a Print-intent document with four artboards, each 8.5 x 5.5 inches and a .125″ bleed. Note the descriptive name on the top row. Pick OK.
  2. Set up your favorite options. Here are some areas you might want to consider customizing:
    • Swatches panel: Delete the swatches you don’t want, then add colors, color groups, patterns, and gradients. Import favorite swatches from the Swatch Libraries. Set the size of the swatch display.
    • Graphic Styles panel: Delete any graphic styles you don’t want, then add or create new ones. Set the size of the graphic styles display.
    • Brushes panel: Delete the brushes you don’t want, then add or create new ones. Set the size of the brush display.
    • Symbols panel: Delete symbols you don’t want, then add or create new ones. Set the size of the symbol display.
    • Layers panel: Add default layers, and set the size of the Layer Row Height.
    • Set your view preferences (from the View menu).
    • Set your print preferences (in the Print dialog box).
    • If you work with charts, save your designs in Object > Graph > Design.
  3. Use File > Save as to save the document as a normal Illustrator in the New Document Profiles folder.
    Mac OS: Hard Drive:Users:[user name]:Library:Application Support:Adobe:Adobe Illustrator CS5:[language]:New Document Profiles
    Windows OS: C:Documents and Settings[user name]Application DataAdobeAdobe Illustrator CS5 Settings[language]New Document Profiles

    This article was written for Illustrator CS5. In Illustrator CS6, the bold folder in the path shown above is called Adobe Illustrator CS6. For Illustrator CC, the folder is called Adobe Illustrator 17. For Illustrator CC 2015, the folder is called Adobe Illustrator 20.
  4. Close the file.
  5. Choose File > New and take a look at the New Document Profile list. Your file is now available, along with the other default profiles! When you select it from the profile list, it populates the New dialog box with your custom settings. Even better, when you click OK, you will see your customized panels, view and print settings.

You can use this information to create one or more custom document profiles, or edit the document profiles that ship with Illustrator.

NOTE to Mac users: No, there is not a typo on the path name in step #3. Apple decided to hide the [User]:Library folder a few years ago. The easiest way to find it? Open the Finder and Option+click on the Go menu. Pick Library from the menu, and then follow the path as shown above. If you are afraid you might forget how to find the Library again later, consider putting it in the Finder window toolbar: after you’ve opened the Library folder in the Finder, enable the Finder toolbars (View > Show Toolbar). Drag the Library folder’s icon from the Finder-window title bar and drop it onto the window’s toolbar.

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Keyboard shortcuts make you more productive in Illustrator. You can use the default shortcuts included with Illustrator, or add and customize shortcuts to suit your needs.

Illustrator lets you view a list of all shortcuts,and edit or create shortcuts. The Keyboard Shortcuts dialog boxserves as a shortcut editor, and includes all commands that supportshortcuts, some of which aren’t addressed in the default shortcutset.

Where Are The Undo Preferences For Adobe Illustrator On The Mac

Youcan define your own sets of shortcuts, change individual shortcutswithin a set, and switch between sets of shortcuts. For example,you can create separate sets for different workspaces chosen fromthe Window > Workspace menu.

Where are the undo preferences for adobe illustrator on the mac pc

If you have previouslysaved a set of keyboard shortcuts other than the default, then thekeyboard shortcuts are stored in a .kys file in Illustrator's preferences folder.You can copy this file into the same location (in Ai’s preferencesfolder) in the new computer. You can then choose this set from Illustrator’sKeyboard Shortcuts dialog.

You can use the same .kys fileacross platforms as long as the modified shortcuts are valid forthe platforms.

Following are the locations where the customIllustrator keyboard shortcuts are saved by default:

Mac OS:



In addition to using keyboard shortcuts, you canaccess many commands using context-sensitive menus. Context-sensitivemenus display commands that are relevant to the active tool, selection,or panel. To display a context-sensitive menu, right-click (Windows)or Control-click (Mac OS) in the document window or panel.

Where Are The Undo Preferences For Adobe Illustrator On The Mac Free

  1. Choose a set of shortcuts from the Set menu at the topof the Keyboard Shortcuts dialog box.
  2. Choose a shortcut type from the menu above the shortcut display.

    Lets you customize keyboard shortcuts for items in the menu bar and panel menus.

    Lets you customize keyboard shortcuts for items in the menu bar
    Lets you customize keyboard shortcuts for items in the menu bar

    Lets you customize keyboard shortcuts for tools in the toolbox.

    • To activate the set of shortcuts, click OK.

    • To change a shortcut, click in the Shortcut column of the scroll list and type a new shortcut. If you enter a shortcut that is already assigned to another command or tool, an alert appears at the bottom of the dialog box. Click Undo to undo the change, or click Go To to go to the other command or tool and assign it a new shortcut. In the Symbol column, type the symbol that will appear in the menu or tool tip for the command or tool. You can use any of the characters that are allowed in the Shortcut column.

      Note: macOS does not allow you to assign Command+Option+8 as a menu shortcut.

    • To save changes to the current set of shortcuts, click OK. (You can’t save changes to the set named Illustrator Defaults.)

    • To save a new set of shortcuts, click Save. Enter a name for the new set, and click OK. The new key set will appear in the pop‑up menu under the new name.

    • To export the displayed set of shortcuts into a text file, click Export Text. In the Save Key Set File As dialog box, enter a filename for the current key set that you are saving, and click Save. You can use this text file to print out a copy of your keyboard shortcuts.

Example: Create a custom keyboard shortcut for Crop Image

  1. Type a new shortcut.

    If the keyboard shortcut is already assigned to another command or tool in the set, an alert appears. Reassign a shortcut, click OK; and Go To Conflict to assign a new shortcut to the other command or tool.

Where Are The Undo Preferences For Adobe Illustrator On The Mac Computer

Where Are The Undo Preferences For Adobe Illustrator On The Mac
  1. In the Keyboard Shortcuts dialog box, select the command or tool name whose shortcut you want to delete.

Where Are The Undo Preferences For Adobe Illustrator On The Mac Software

  1. In the Set drop‑down list, choose the shortcut set that you want to delete.

  2. Click the Delete icon () and then click OK to exit the dialog box.

Where Are The Undo Preferences For Adobe Illustrator On The Mac Download

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