The Price Is Right Name Tags Template

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Price is Right Baby Shower Game


The price is right is a program on television that involves contestants. Because it can provide engagement and attractive offers for many people, Price Is Right is a branding for a certain segment. Price Is Right Name Tag Template via. Prices Right Baby Shower Games Printable via. Price Is Right Baby Shower Template via. There are many templates in use in The Price Is Right Wiki; these are only a subset, representing some of the most important and commonly used ones. If you feel that a template belongs on this page, do not hesitate to add it. Category:Templates should cover all templates in the wiki, categorized into the various subcategories.; The Template namespace (found from Special:Allpages) always has.

Here is the free printable Price is Right Baby Shower Game card. This fun game will give your baby shower party a taste of the hit TV show: The Price is Right!

This free Price is Right Baby Shower game card is all ready for you to print off as many copies as you need for all your guests.

Printing instructions are found below at the bottom of this page.

Print one copy for each guest:

Printing Instructions: Right-click on the image you want and select the 'save picture as...' line. Then, you will be asked which directory to save it to. Just save it onto your desktop or in any folder you want. Then on your desktop, double click on the image icon. When the image opens up, set your printer to the desired paper size and print the image (in color or black/white).
Another printing option: If you have Microsoft Word, after you 'save picture as...' explained above, open a blank document in Microsoft Word and go to the tab INSERT and then select PICTURE and then select FROM FILE. From there you just choose the directory from your computer where you saved the picture and click INSERT. And Voila! You can print this fun baby shower game as many times as you like.

Instructions for this Price Is Right Baby Shower Game:
Preparation for this free baby shower game: Before the Shower, go to the store and purchase 10 - 12 small baby items. Be sure to keep the receipt, so you know how much each baby item costs.
The items above are examples of baby items you could use. Any baby items that match your specific theme would be excellent items to have! Then, make a list of the baby items on one side and a blank line on the other.
How to play this free baby shower game: During the shower, give each guest a list and a pen. Show each item to the group and have them write down what they think it costs. Then have them add up their prices for all the items. The one closest to the actual total on your receipt (minus the tax) is the winner! Present the expectant mother with the baby items. She'll be needing them!


Have Fun!!

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The Price Is Right Name Tag Template

Downloadable Price Is Right Name Tag Template

RightFree Price is Right Baby Shower Game

It is likely that many of your residents grew up watching “The Price is Right.” It’s a fun game that began in the 50’s and aired on TV across many countries.
Let’s play a simple format of this great show with our residents, it will spark allot of fun conversation and have them reminiscing.
To set the atmosphere for our gameshow make a large colorful cardboard sign “The Price is Right” and display it in the room.
Collect some suitable household and kitchen groceries and place them on a table and have the participants sit around in full view of the items. Make a note of the current retail price for each item, the aim of the game is for the participants to guess as close as they can to the actual price.
Now one by one, hold up each item and give a small presentation eg. “Here we have 300grams of Baking Soda”
Take the opportunity to engage them in reminiscing on what the prices of the groceries were in the past and how they may have used these items in their home.
Award a small prize for those that guess closest to the correct price.